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Archive April 2019

Tomorrow is already gone if we don’t act now

DIEM25: How did you get to know Julian Assange – and how did you find him as a person? Pamela Anderson: I met Julian through Vivienne Westwood. Of course I knew of him and actually put his name in a poem – ‘Smoldering’ – that was published in my online ejournal. I was truly grateful

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The fate of the Syrian Kurds

The end of Syrian war might be around the corner with the elimination of the "Islamic State", which in the past years had control over the largest area in Syria, and formed with its areas of influence in Iraq the so-called "Islamic Caliphate". The rise of ISIS necessitated the formation of an international coalition to

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Modern racism

Modern racism does not operate with the concepts of ‘race’, but with the concepts of ‘incompatibility of cultures’, ‘protection of indigenous cultural values’, ‘clash of civilizations’ etc., and it considers cultural diversity within the state as solely a threat. Back in 1954, an American psychologist, author of the Theory of Personality Traits, Dr. Gordon Allport,

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100 years of Save the Children UK: what have we learned?

“I reject both an overly romantic and an overly cynical reading of humanitarianism. Instead I treat humanitarianism as a morally complicated creature, a flawed hero defined by the passions, politics, and power of its times even as it tries to rise above them.” Michael Barnett A recent conference examined the interplay between politics, humanitarianism, and

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On Russia's border, impunity drives further violence

Trouble seems to haunt Russia’s long European border from the Barents Sea to the Caspian. In Northern Norway, local authorities complain that Russia is jamming GPS-signals, thereby jeopardising possible search and rescue operations on land and sea in the high north. Further south, Estonian officials claimed that GPS-jamming on the border in 2014 was followed

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Bloody Sunday and how the British empire came home

A crisp winter day in Derry. Fifteen thousand gathered to protest against detention without trial. At ten past four, British paratroopers opened fire. Twenty-eight people were shot, some in the back as they fled. Fourteen were killed: seven, teenagers. Some, like Northern Ireland secretary Karen Bradley and defence secretary Gavin Williamson, think there’s nothing to

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